PhD in geopolitics (geography), cartographer

Jeremy is a specialist of suburbs and minorities issues. He is also a specialist in cartography.

  • Large experience about suburbs of cities in France: urban issues and urban planning, political debate about suburbs, their inhabitants and their communities, local activists, religious questions, postcolonial and cultural issues
  • Professor assistant in geopolitics and cartography in the French Institute of Geopolitics (University of Vincennes)
  • Scientific direction of the research seminar about geopolitical cartography
  • Phd students monitoring in geopolitical cartography
  • Direction of a wide scientific project on spatial and cartographic evaluation of “géographie prioritaire” politics, in cooperation with governmental Agencies (ANRU- National Agency for Urban Rehabilitation, …
  • Scientific direction of cartographic works in the Castex cyberstrategy Chair in the IHEDN (Institute for High Studies in National Defense
  • Many scientific publications, including a book, some book chapters, and articles
  • Specialist of GIS software (ArcGIS, GRASS, QGIS), vector graphics software and Desktop publishing software.

Jeremy Robine